Monday 24 July 2017

Trans-Canada Highway

The Trans-Canada Highway connects all ten provinces of Canada from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. The main stretch of the highway runs 8,030 km, and in total, about 12,800 km of road are classified as the Trans-Canada Highway, making it one of the longest road systems in the world.
Those travelling across this giant and impressive nation couldn’t do so without driving along this designated stretch of road. And it’s not all asphalt; there are three ferries designated as part of the road system, connecting Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island to Nova Scotia, and another in Nanaimo, BC.

The open road never felt so patriotic and free. I have been lucky enoughto travel many stretches of the Trans-Canada Highway. Driving from British Columbia towards Banff National Park is one of the most beautiful stretches of road I’ve ever taken. The incredible vistas of the road opening through Rogers Pass in B.C. into the Rockies are like no other.

The sunrise drive along Northern Ontario over Lake Superior from Thunder Bay to Wawa was highlighted by a family of moose grazing on the side of the road. Nature plays a big part of our experience across the nation

The federal government maintains stretches of the highway that run though National Parks, but having those roads can pose as a risk to the wildlife found within. To address this problem in Banff National Park, they have built six natural wildlife overpasses and 38 underpasses in the park.

The Trans-Canada Highway may connect all Canadians, but we share this amazing country with and abundance of wildlife. The surrounding habitats in which they live must be protected.

Trivia tidbit: The officially opening ceremony in 1962 never had O Canada play at the event. The band of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry took a wrong turn out of Calgary. It arrived in time to play the end of the ceremony.

What is 150 of our favourite Canadian things? Read about it here


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