Monday 10 July 2017

Mr. Dressup

Photo from CBC article

Mr. Dressup is a children's television show that aired every weekday morning on Canadian television sets across the country from 1967 - 1996, and if you missed it you would be so mad at yourself because you missed out on all of the songs, stories, arts, crafts, and imagination games. And you also missed hangin' with Casey and Finnegan, a child and a dog (puppets) who lived in a treehouse in Mr. Dressup's backyard.
Mr. Dressup (Played by actor Ernie Coombs) would get a costume from the Tickle Trunk, such as an animal, policeman, or fireman. The trunk appeared to be magic as it always had the right costumes, in the right sizes, neatly folded at the top of the piles of costumes. Occasionally Mr. Dressup would need to make an accessory for his costume, such as a hat, which would lead to a craft and then he would sing a song with the puppets, such as my personal favourite ''Down by the bay''

What is 150 of our favourite Canadian things? Read about it here


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