Friday 9 June 2017

Parliament Hill


In the nation’s capital, the cornerstone on which this great country was built lies atop a grassy hill. The towering gothic-style buildings known as the Parliament Buildings overlook the raging Ottawa River and the rest of the city from their lofty perch. 

Within the walls are the country’s politicians and policy-makers that debate the country’s current issues and shape the future.

The original buildings were built in 1876, but a tragic fire in 1916 burned them to the ground. The Library was spared by quick action of an employee to close the large steel doors. 1927 the new buildings, as they are today, were complete. The now iconic bell and clock tower was named the Peace Tower.

Parliament Hill is the political and cultural heart of Ottawa and the nation. Every year hundreds of thousands of people visit the hill for the Canada Day celebrations. During the summer, there are changing of the guard ceremonies daily and nightly sound and light shows among many other events and festivities.  At Christmas time the Peace Tower is lit up with a magical light show as the rest of the city shines bright during the Christmas Lights Across Canada celebrations.

Be sure to toss a loonie into the Centennial Flame for good luck. This flame and water fountain commemorate the first 100 years of confederation of this great country.

A huge event and party is planned for Parliament Hill this Canada Day. Iconic and popular Canadian musicians and bands will be performing on the hill to get you dancing and a massive fireworks show will cap off the celebrations!

What is 150 of our favourite Canadian things? Read about it here


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