Monday 9 June 2014

A Step in the Right Direction - The Unveiling of our Logo

There comes a time when all leaders will face challenges, how that leader reacts to those challenges may define them. 

That is what I had going through my head last June when I invited my friends to join me and start contributing to Real Man Travels. I would have to lead these guys down my path and show them the ropes and the light, and it seemed a daunting task as I was unsure of how it would work.  Looking back it was one of the best choices I have ever made. Definitely a step in the right direction. There would of course be creative differences down the road and other challenges that come with growth.

The Birth of our Logo: A challenge had arisen after having a few pints at a round table discussion (a.k.a. local bar). We decided to make a logo for our brand and website. We asked our Friend Linnea at Neat Design for her help, shared our vision with her and let her see what she could come up with.  

We were nervous about the outcome. We wanted it to be awesome but all had our own separate ideas of what it would look like. Our group had several discussions about the logo: some productive and some, not so productive. But we pushed through, acted like a team, compromised like adults and eventually came up with our finished product, which you see below. Thanks again to Linnea for all her work and to my team who work hard to keep our readers entertained.

Let us know what you think!




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