Thursday 17 October 2013

Sometimes You Just Need to Party to Relax

Hey folks, Ed here with a short and sweet post.

I recently took a trip with 4 friends down to Memories Varadero in beautiful Cuba. On this trip I came to the realization that sometimes you just need to party to relax. 

I'm not saying it is for everyone, but to unwind from the stresses of life with an itinerary, plans and sights to see sometimes doesn't feel like a vacation at all. Sometimes you just need to indulge in a beer or twenty and really forget life back home.

I truly recommend that in between your gathering of culture and worldly knowledge that you take some time and just cut loose. Dance at 3:00 am on a beach, act like a kid and go down a water slide with a drink, sleep in till noon, drink till 5:00 am and just cut loose. I promise if you are safe about it, you will not regret it!

Here is a short video from my last "relaxing" trip in Varadero Cuba.

Memories Varadero from Ed Arsenault on Vimeo.


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